Universitätsring 4, 1010 Wien
Mon - Sun 7:30 a.m. - 11 p.m.

"STANDPUNKT EUROPA" at the Landtmann

EU leaders in dialogue

The European Parliament elections are coming up. The Citizens' Forum Europe is bringing together the top EU candidates from all parties with high-ranking business representatives to discuss competitiveness and Europe as a business location over the course of five evenings.

"With our STANDPUNKT EUROPA dialogue series, we will once again make a contribution to the substantive debate. Away from the party-tactical election campaign, we want to find out from the top candidates what their vision for Europe is. Location and competitiveness are the key issues in the coming years - from climate to defence," says Othmar Kars, Chairman of the Citizens' Forum Europe and First Vice-President of the European Parliament.

Our Café Landtmann was chosen as a neutral venue for the series of talks. Bernd Querfeld: "Café Landtmann has been a political venue for over 150 years and has always been a neutral location and a good place for discussions. As a café owner, it fills me with joy and confirmation that the Landtmann is a suitable place to talk about Austria's future and opportunities in Europe."


The dates:

30 April 18 - 19:30
Lena Schilling (Die Grünen) and Willibald Cernko (Erste Group) will be discussing under the direction of Wolfang Böhm (Die Presse)

2 May 18 - 19:30
Reinhold Lopatka (ÖVP) and Silvia Angelo (ÖBB Infra) discuss under the direction of Christoph Kotanko (OÖN)

13 May 18 - 19:30
Harald Vilimsky (FPÖ) and Andreas Brandstetter (UNIQUA) discuss under the direction of Michael Laczynski (Die Presse)

22 May 18 - 19:30
Andreas Schieder (SPÖ) and Mariana Kühnel (WKÖ) discuss under the direction of Ingrid Steiner-Gashi (KURIER)

4 June 18 - 19:30
Helmut Brandstätter (NEOS) and Christoph Neumayer (IV) discuss under the direction of Doris Vettermann